Saturday 20 January 2007


hmmm.... in a bout of insomnia inspired recklessness i've signed up for one of these fancy watchamacalit blog things.

not entirely sure i have anything worthwhile posting but in the event that i do rest assured that i will faithfully inscribe it here in full gory detail

unless that is, of course, something personal to either myself or someone i know - or indeed anything that i don't want the entire tupping internet to be able to see - what am i stupid?

see that's the problem with these things - i daren't put up anything that will cause my mates to fall off their chairs laughing at me or which causes too much grief to people i care for. i have also been comprehensively assured that i compartmentalise my life too much (i thought that was everyone - surely everyone else has a different accent and indeed facial hair topography for different groups of friends?) and this presents a problem as the internet, that great old fluffy equalizer, allows all those nicely packed away compartments to be viewed at once. oh the horror.

so anyway, to move to a conclusion, i can't really see a point to this. maybe i'll come around to it and start getting a good vibe from the blogging thing. y'know, really get involved with this blog. equally however it could just be yet another record of the inanities of the life of a lost confused person in this big old lonely internet of ours.

well hopefully i should be able to get to sleep now, good night to you too


Fi said...

So now you're inflicting your spraffing and random ramblings on the blogging community as well as your nearest and dearest huh? Good god man, have mercy.
Haha seriously though I like it, it's quite entertaining in an Alexian sort of way. Definitely a good distraction from double entry book-keeping ;-)

Sipech said...

Indeed, we want more. More I tell you.