Sunday 25 February 2007

I wish I was a Yuri G

alright then... only just discovered my previous blog entry

i must say that, for someone who had had great difficulty negotiating his way through an unneccesarily complicated door, my spelling was suprisingly decent

so yeah, apparently i bought some chips on the way home. watched an episode of black books, read some poetry online and posted a blog last night all without any recollection of it in the morning save for a bleak feeling that everything in life is innately wrong (allow me, if i may, to digress right here onto a subject dear to my heart; beer. last night i was drinking stella cos i wasn't buying the drinks and we were in one of those bars that simply sells a lot of alcopops and imported lagers; easy choices for those people drawn towards bright primary colours in simple geometric shapes and soft fabrics. i know i'm a beer facist but most lager is pretty poor - i'll drink it but it always makes me feel fucking awful in the morning - no fault but my own)

this illustrates perfectly the problems with heading for drinks straight after work without eating anything - fun? hell yes - make you feel like you've taken half of saturday out to the back yard and shot it? unfortunately so. the problem is compounded when the drinks are free (last two fridays in a row) and leads to waking up with the hollow sensation that important pieces of you has been lost forever.

heh - you can tell i've been having some killer hangovers recently

oh and we were absolutely fucking mauled in the rugby today - a good thing that i didn't take one of my irish workmates up on his £50 bet

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